
Media and Interwebs --

From Science Friday, video pick of the week:

She says she takes a movie apart like a pocket watch: 

"Toni Dove takes a high-tech approach to art—her mixed-media performances star cyborgs and robots and employ mechanical three-dimensional projection screens. Performers animate video puppets through custom-built motion-sensing software (easier seen than said). With some operatic singers thrown in, a visit to Dove's studio feels like a trip into a futuristic Wonderland.

=> For So Long Been Dreaming, Part I: Body: Lai's "Rachel" -- cf. with Liu's "The Paper Menagerie".
Cf. with Wide Sargasso Sea 


"Imagine suddenly realizing that everything you remember isn't what you lived through. You have no idea which memories are yours and which aren't. Where do the fake memories end, and where it's really your life? 
Scary for sure. And one of the most intense scenes I know." [apologies if it makes us watch a commercial]


Larissa Lai reads "Rachel" on Vimeo

vimeo.comDec 1, 2009 - 3 min
Larissa Lai reads “Rachel” from The Automaton Biographies (Arsenal Pulp 2009) The Rhizome Café, Vancouver ...


From galatea resurrects #17 (a poetry engagement): Presenting engagements (including reviews) of poetry books & projects. Some issues also offer Featured Poets, a "The Critic Writes Poems" series, and/or Feature Articles:

Saturday, December 10, 2011
PAUL LAI Reviews

Automaton Biographies by Larissa Lai
(Arsenal Pulp Press, Vancouver, 2009)

[Previously published in THE ASIAN AMERICAN LITERARY REVIEW, Winter/Spring 2011, eds.Gerald Maa and Lawrence-Minh Bui Davis]

"The first poem in Automaton Biographies, “rachel,” turns to the cyborg figure of Rachel, a replicant from Ridley Scott’s science fiction film classic Blade Runner. Drawing also from the film’s source text, Philip K. Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Lai sketches out Rachel’s interiority as a blend of human and machine-like thoughts, where nouns and verbs in particular swap places to undermine the distinction between subject and action. At other moments, adjectives become verbs or nouns become adjectives, and the slipperiness of parts of speech creates a distinctive speaking voice for Rachel as the poem’s narrator. For example, she says, “i athena my own sprouting / this knowledge colds me / in my ice-fringed room / my asian fits this frost” (16). In this stanza, her narrative of self resonates with a mythological story of parthenogenesis, twisting the proper noun of Athena into a verb that suggests grasping for agency and self-knowledge. Athena, the Greek goddess whom the Titan Metis conceived without sex, famously sprouted fully-grown from the head of Zeus after he had devoured Metis to prevent Athena’s birth. The next line of the stanza offers “colds” as a verb, asserting that knowledge chills her even as the not-quite-right word choice suggests other words such as “scolds” or “holds” in its place and shifting the meaning of the line into other possibilities. The final line makes the word “asian” fit into the coldness of her knowledge and room, even as the place of “my asian” in the line fails to fit grammatically."

Wikipedia: Bladerunner
30th Anniv. Bladerunner:

• Origami? What about "Paper Menagerie"?

"The purpose of this story as I saw it was that in his job of hunting and killing these replicants, Deckard becomes progressively dehumanized. At the same time, the replicants are being perceived as becoming more human. Finally, Deckard must question what he is doing, and really what is the essential difference between him and them? And, to take it one step further, who is he if there is no real difference?" Philip K. Dick (quoted in Wikipedia "Themes in Bladerunner."

Edward James Olmos:



=> For So Long Been Dreaming, Part II: Future Earth

• Eden Robinson's "Terminal Avenue" --

compare its circular structure with

Twelve Monkeys + La Jetée - A Learning Tool that ...

vimeo.comJul 4, 2010 - 3 min
My goal for this project was to develop an interactive learning tool that could help compare two science fiction ...

"...a man marked by an image in his childhood...." (La Jetée, 1962) (Twelve Monkeys, 1995)
"He dances, suddenly inspired, exuberant. Later he will understand what his father is doing, the rules he is breaking, the risks he is taking, and the price he will pay on a deserted road, when the siren goes off and the lights flash and they are pulled over...." (Terminal Avenue, p 69)

Links for videos of Robinson

Eden Robinson - YouTube

youtube.comAug 23, 2009 - 2 min - Uploaded by APTNDigitalNations


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