Thursday, February 21, 2013



Tuesday, 26 February – double consciousness & play
• King K. (2012) A Naturalcultural Collection of Affections: Transdisciplinary Stories of Transmedia Ecologies Learning. Scholar and Feminist Online; special issue on Feminist Media Theory: Iterations of Social Difference 10. (Link HERE.)

Thursday, 28 February – Complexities – GO TO CONFERENCE TODAY & TOMORROW!
• There is no class time today, in order to free up a bit of time for conference attendance which is required! You should be at the Complexity Conference as much as possible: whenever you are not working for wages or in another class!
• read ahead, think about femcriticon!


2012 Nebula Awards Nominees Announced [click pic for link]
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America announces the nominees for the 2012 Nebula Awards (presented 2013), nominees for the Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation, and nominees for the Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy.


worlding projects?


Katie has posted this to Complexity Tales on Pinterest:
Physicists To Test If Universe Is A Computer Simulation

It refers to this paper:


Sunday, February 17, 2013

exo.... exoplanets, exobio, exo...?


This could be a poster for FemCritiCon!

inhabiting ourselves as portals to the universe?

February 12, 2013

"A mission scientist with NASA's Kepler Space Telescope, Natalie Batalha hunts for exoplanets — Earth-sized planets beyond our solar system that might harbor life. She speaks about unexpected connections between things like love and dark energy, science and gratitude, and how "exploring the heavens" brings the beauty of the cosmos and the exuberance of scientific discovery closer to us all."


"13.7 billion years scaled into one year helps makes sense of the universe's massive scale in this video + chart."


Friday, February 15, 2013

when can obsessions be positive?


NOTICE THAT FEMCRITICON IS IN ABOUT A MONTH! TIME TO PLAN! work with buddies, perhaps collaborate with partners. Consider what you are going to do.... 

The theme is "Media Ecologies." Our class' expertise is in "Cultural Production." 
Explore what these mean as you consider what to do. 
=Johnson is your best resource for our approach to media ecologies, so be sure you are caught up with having read the whole book. Merrick is also all about media ecologies with a feminist SF focus. 
=When you think of cultural production, think of all the ways we have been approaching and thinking and talking about our readings, and transmedia storytelling. Look at the website carefully. It is your best resource for understanding cultural production. Notice the examples of working with stories "Terminal Avenue" and "Rachel" in the Media section of the website. How would you do this same kind of analysis yourself? 

Tuesday, 19 February – the women that men don’t see 
• Tiptree (1973), The Women Men Don’t See. First appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction; also in Her Smoke Rose Up Forever. (Emailed already, link.)  

Thursday, 21 February – positive obsessions 
• Butler: essay, Positive; stories: Evening&, Kin&, Speech& [&=afterword] 
• Complexity handouts (handed out, emailed, and PDF1, PDF2.) 


Monday, February 11, 2013

how to reshape what we think we know....

Tuesday, 12 February – learning to see
• go on to Philips 14-20

143: "Tiptree's stories often contain a similar rebellion: a woman rejects her secondary role and takes over, while the sympathetic male narrator turns out to be just another part of her problem."

184: "As a writer, Alli belonged to a later generation [of SF 'higher literary tone'], one that wrote more sophisticated fiction still. But if many of Tiptree's stories comment on science fiction in sly and subtle ways, it's partly because Alli knew the field like no other novice. By the time she finally started publishing, she had been a fan for forty years."

211: "Here at last is the language I would like to live in and build on." [art & psych]
213: "the world of the Average Observer ¶ 'contains in addition to "real" objects several sub-classes of dreams, fictions, verbal reports, and so on, which are perfectly "real" in their respective class. Examples would be the bottom of the ocean, germs, the forests of the Amazon, the Land of Oz, the closets in the White House, the gloves left in the car, and the sound of an unseen bird.'" ..."dangerously close to poetry." 
[object oriented ontologies? just boys? girls and more too? what more is there? trans knowledges?]

Thursday, 14 February – the deep end…
• add then Hopkinson: section I: the body -- put the bio & stories together
• [trans CFP example scholarship]
• 2011 Tiptree Award went to Andrea Hairston for Redwood and Wildfire; she was one of the guests of honor last year at WisCon  -- her story in Hopkinson I: Body: "Griots of the Galaxy"  

decolonizing mind

Check all links including all the pics that are links! 
Pay attention to the processes of attention, interaction, and even work this is. And note, when pleasurable, that as well! Think of it as a game, and where do you level up then?

We will make some decisions.



Saturday, February 9, 2013

Second Life hooks into our distributed being....

From Katie's Pinterest Board Complexity Tales
Source: via Katie on Pinterest

Woman with Parkinson's Reports Significant Physical Recovery After Using Second Life - Academics Researching

This is Fran, an 85 year old woman who plays Second Life as an avatar named Fran Seranade, and while that’s interesting in itself, many other senior citizens like her are known to be active in SL. Here is the truly extraordinary thing: For over 7 years, Fran has been afflicted with Parkinson’s Disease, a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system afflicting millions around the world, including actor Michael J. Fox and sports legend Muhammed Ali. In Fran’s case, Parkinson’s has made it difficult for her to stand from a sitting position, and maintain her balance while upright. But now Fran reports she’s gained significant recovery of physical movement -- as a direct consequence of her activity in Second Life.


Scifi Feminisms TA Flyer.pdf by Katie King


Friday, February 8, 2013

Changing sex, a desire to love

trans gendering ideas? how do they fit into our sf worldings? Here is the latest essay by Eva Hayward: 

"Changing sex, a desire to love: Following your desire is a brave way of recognizing that something is happening to you, something remarkable. Perhaps it will break open your world, or perhaps it will simply open your heart. Things will change."

Saturday, February 2, 2013

finalizing syllabus, until then what to do....

Offering a new course, even a new kind of course, I have wanted to get to know you all a bit better before finalizing our syllabus. But you should have that version this coming week. As soon as it is ready, I will email you a copy, offer a link here to a pdf version, and include it in this website as well. Notice changes in office hours, social hours, and conversations with Irene on the right hand panel of this website too!

But until then here are this coming week's assignments, so you can prepare:

You should begin the biography of James Tiptree Jr by Phillips and start thinking about colonialisms, feminisms, and their twentieth century histories as offered through the life of Alice Sheldon. Colonialisms and feminisms are intwined with science fiction throughout the twentieth century and the materials we read today are both a reaction to this and a continuation of it in complicated ways. James Tiptree as a figure helps us understand this. And it is a fascinating biography just in itself! So just keep reading if you find yourself caught up in the story!

For Tuesday read Chs 1-13 (these are very very short chapters). 



Tuesday, 5 February – blond curls in a line of native porters: Belgian Congo 1921
• read Phillips: ch 1-13

You should begin the biography of James Tiptree Jr by Phillips and start thinking about colonialisms, feminisms, and their twentieth century histories as offered through the life of Alice Sheldon. Colonialisms and feminisms are entwined with science fiction throughout the twentieth century and the materials we read today are both a reaction to this and a continuation of it in complicated ways. James Tiptree as a figure helps us understand this. And it is a fascinating biography just in itself! So just keep reading if you find yourself caught up in the story! 

For Thursday, read Part 2 of the Hopkinson collection: a set of stories that attempt to critique, alter, shift, or replace the colonialisms of SF. What patterns, connections or interactions do you see between these? 

For example, think of people real and fictional as they are marked by their childhoods, inside and around colonialisms, and of all the points of view and kinds of time they struggle to engage, and how all these enfold across transmedia and spacetimeworlds....



Thursday, 7 February – marked by an image in childhood: cultural productions
• Hopkinson’s section II: future Earth
• Butler: “Bloodchild” & afterword

The Hopkinson collection is a set of stories that attempt to critique, alter, shift, or replace the colonialisms of SF. What patterns, connections or interactions do you see between the biography of Tiptree and these stories? For example, think of people real and fictional as they are marked by their childhoods, inside and around colonialisms, and of all the points of view and kinds of time they struggle to engage, and how all these enfold across transmedia and spacetimeworlds.... "He dances, suddenly inspired, exuberant. Later he will understand what his father is doing, the rules he is breaking, the risks he is taking, and the price he will pay on a deserted road, when the siren goes off and the lights flash and they are pulled over...." (Terminal Avenue, p 69)

